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Natural Language Processing in the Real World - Text Processing
Analytics, and Classification, par Jyotika Singh

Le , par dourouc05


4  0 
Natural Language Processing in the Real World
Text Processing, Analytics, and Classification

Natural Language Processing in the Real World is a practical guide for applying data science and machine learning to build Natural Language Processing (NLP) solutions. Where traditional, academic-taught NLP is often accompanied by a data source or dataset to aid solution building, this book is situated in the real world where there may not be an existing rich dataset.

This book covers the basic concepts behind NLP and text processing and discusses the applications across 15 industry verticals. From data sources and extraction to transformation and modelling, and classic Machine Learning to Deep Learning and Transformers, several popular applications of NLP are discussed and implemented.

This book provides a hands-on and holistic guide for anyone looking to build NLP solutions, from students of Computer Science to those involved in large-scale industrial projects.

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