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Optimization Techniques and their Applications to Mine Systems
Un livre de Amit Kumar Gorai et Snehamoy Chatterjee

Le , par dourouc05


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Optimization Techniques and their Applications to Mine Systems

This book describes the fundamental and theoretical concepts of optimization algorithms in a systematic manner, along with their potential applications and implementation strategies in mining engineering. It explains basics of systems engineering, linear programming, and integer linear programming, transportation and assignment algorithms, network analysis, dynamic programming, queuing theory and their applications to mine systems. Reliability analysis of mine systems, inventory management in mines, and applications of non-linear optimization in mines are discussed as well. All the optimization algorithms are explained with suitable examples and numerical problems in each of the chapters.

Features include:

Integrates operations research, reliability, and novel computerized technologies in single volume, with a modern vision of continuous improvement of mining systems.
Systematically reviews optimization methods and algorithms applied to mining systems including reliability analysis.
Gives out software-based solutions such as MATLAB®, AMPL, LINDO for the optimization problems.
All discussed algorithms are supported by examples in each chapter.
Includes case studies for performance improvement of the mine systems.

This book is aimed primarily at professionals, graduate students, and researchers in mining engineering.

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