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Text Analytics: An Introduction to the Science and Applications of Unstructured Information Analysis
Un livre de John Atkinson-Abutridy

Le , par dourouc05


4  0 
Text Analytics
An Introduction to the Science and Applications of Unstructured Information Analysis

Text Analytics: An Introduction to the Science and Applications of Unstructured Information Analysis is a concise and accessible introduction to the science and applications of text analytics (or text mining), which enables automatic knowledge discovery from unstructured information sources, for both industrial and academic purposes. The book introduces the main concepts, models, and computational techniques that enable the reader to solve real decision-making problems arising from textual and/or documentary sources.


Easy-to-follow step-by-step concepts and methods
Every chapter is introduced in a very gentle and intuitive way so students can understand the WHYs, WHAT-IFs, WHAT-IS-THIS-FORs, HOWs, etc. by themselves
Practical programming exercises in Python for each chapter
Includes theory and practice for every chapter, summaries, practical coding exercises for target problems, QA, and sample code and data available for download at

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