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Network Traffic Engineering: Stochastic Models and Applications
Un livre de Andrea Baiocchi, critique par Thibaut Cuvelier

Le , par dourouc05


5  0 
Network Traffic Engineering
Stochastic Models and Applications
A comprehensive guide to the concepts and applications of queuing theory and traffic theory

Network Traffic Engineering: Models and Applications provides an advanced level queuing theory guide for students with a strong mathematical background who are interested in analytic modeling and performance assessment of communication networks.

The text begins with the basics of queueing theory before moving on to more advanced levels. The topics covered in the book are derived from the most cutting-edge research, project development, teaching activity, and discussions on the subject. They include applications of queuing and traffic theory in:

LTE networks
Wi-Fi networks
Ad-hoc networks
Automated vehicles
Congestion control on the Internet

The distinguished author seeks to show how insight into practical and real-world problems can be gained by means of quantitative modeling. Perfect for graduate students of computer engineering, computer science, telecommunication engineering, and electrical engineering, Network Traffic Engineering offers a supremely practical approach to a rapidly developing field of study and industry.

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