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Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits and Systems
Un livre de Hooman Darabi, critique de Vincent Petit

Le , par Vincent PETIT


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Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits and Systems
This updated and expanded new edition equips students with a thorough understanding of the state-of-the-art in radio frequency (RF) design and the practical knowledge and skills needed in industry. Introductory and advanced topics are covered in-depth, with clear step-by-step explanations, including core topics such as RF components, signals and systems, two-ports, noise, distortion, low-noise amplifiers, power amplifiers, and transceiver architectures. New material has been added on wave propagation, skin effect, antennas, mixers and oscillators, and digital PAs and transmitters. Two new chapters detail the analysis and design of RF and IF filters (including SAW and FBAR duplexers and N-path filters), phase-locked loops, frequency synthesizers, digital PLLs, and frequency dividers. Theory is linked to practice through real-world applications, practical design examples, and exploration of the pros and cons of various topologies. Over 250 homework problems are included, with solutions and lecture slides for instructors available online. With its uniquely practical and intuitive approach, this is an essential text for graduate courses on RFICs and a useful reference for practicing engineers.

- A uniquely practical and intuitive approach, with clear step-by-step guidance on both fundamental and advanced topics
- Features real-world applications and practical design examples to link theory with practice and prepare students for industry
- Covers all the essential core topics including RF components, signals and systems, two-ports, noise, distortion, low-noise amplifiers, power amplifiers, and transceiver architectures

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