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Dynamics of Multibody Systems
Un livre de Ahmed A. Shabana, critique par Thibaut Cuvelier

Le , par dourouc05


4  0 
Dynamics of Multibody Systems

This fully revised fifth edition provides comprehensive coverage of flexible multibody system dynamics. Including an entirely new chapter on the integration of geometry, durability analysis, and design, it offers clear explanations of spatial kinematics, rigid body dynamics, and flexible body dynamics, and uniquely covers the basic formulations used by the industry for analysis, design, and performance evaluation. Included are methods for formulating dynamic equations, the floating frame of reference formulation used in small deformation analysis, and the absolute nodal coordinate formulation used in large deformation analysis, as well as coverage of industry durability investigations. Illustrated with a wealth of examples and practical applications throughout, it is the ideal text for single-semester graduate courses on multibody dynamics taken in departments of aerospace and mechanical engineering, and for researchers and practicing engineers working on a wide variety of flexible multibody systems.

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