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The Art of Electronics - The X chapters
Un livre de Paul Horowitz et Winfield Hill, critique de Vincent PETIT

Le , par Vincent PETIT


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The Art of Electronics
The x Chapters

The Art of Electronics: The x-Chapters expands on topics introduced in the best-selling third edition of The Art of Electronics, completing the broad discussions begun in the latter. In addition to covering more advanced materials relevant to its companion, The x-Chapters also includes extensive treatment of many topics in electronics that are particularly novel, important, or just exotic and intriguing. Think of The x-Chapters as the missing pieces of The Art of Electronics, to be used either as its complement, or as a direct route to exploring some of the most exciting and oft-overlooked topics in advanced electronic engineering. This enticing spread of electronics wisdom and expertise will be an invaluable addition to the library of any student, researcher, or practitioner with even a passing interest in the design and analysis of electronic circuits and instruments. You'll find here techniques and circuits that are available nowhere else.

An important addition to The Art of Electronics literature, this book provides the space to explore key topics in detail, in a way that wasn't possible in the main volume
Covers topics ranging from specialized tables, such as high-speed VFB and CFB op-amps to JFETs, fast LED pulsers and transient voltage protection
Can be used separately as an advanced standalone book or as an addition to the main volume

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