La compagnie technologique Pingdom s'est penchée sur la taille de l'Internet, et sur les évènements qui l'ont atteint en 2010. A l'aide de statistiques révélées publiquement par des entreprises spécialisées, ainsi qu'en s'appuyant sur des recherches qu'elle a réalisée elle-même, Pingdom vient de publier des chiffres impressionnant sur le Web. De quoi avoir le vertige.
Ainsi, 107 trilliards d'e-mails ont été échangés l'année dernière. Actuellement, la Toile compterait 255 millions de sites Internet pour 88.8 millions de domaines en ".com".
1.97 milliard d'êtres humains seraient des internautes, et ils auraient crée 152 millions de blogs.

Facebook à atteint la barre des 600 millions d'utilisateurs (et compterait plus de 3 milliards de photos uploadées chaque mois), et 25 milliards de tweets ont été publiés sur Twitter en 2010.
Enfin, sur YouTube, ce sont la bagatelle de 2 milliards de vidéos qui sont visionnées chaque jour.
Ca y est, vous avez le tournis ?
Ce n'est pourtant qu'un aperçu de tous les chiffres donnés, dont voici l'intégralité :
107 trillion – The number of emails sent on the Internet in 2010.
294 billion – Average number of email messages per day.
1.88 billion – The number of email users worldwide.
480 million – New email users since the year before.
89.1% – The share of emails that were spam.
262 billion – The number of spam emails per day (assuming 89% are spam).
2.9 billion – The number of email accounts worldwide.
25% – Share of email accounts that are corporate.
255 million – The number of websites as of December 2010.
21.4 million – Added websites in 2010.
Web servers
39.1% – Growth in the number of Apache websites in 2010.
15.3% – Growth in the number of IIS websites in 2010.
4.1% – Growth in the number of nginx websites in 2010.
5.8% – Growth in the number of Google GWS websites in 2010.
55.7% – Growth in the number of Lighttpd websites in 2010.
Domain names
88.8 million – .COM domain names at the end of 2010.
13.2 million – .NET domain names at the end of 2010.
8.6 million – .ORG domain names at the end of 2010.
79.2 million – The number of country code top-level domains (e.g. .CN, .UK, .DE, etc.).
202 million – The number of domain names across all top-level domains (October 2010).
7% – The increase in domain names since the year before.
Internet users
1.97 billion – Internet users worldwide (June 2010).
14% – Increase in Internet users since the previous year.
825.1 million – Internet users in Asia.
475.1 million – Internet users in Europe.
266.2 million – Internet users in North America.
204.7 million – Internet users in Latin America / Caribbean.
110.9 million – Internet users in Africa.
63.2 million – Internet users in the Middle East.
21.3 million – Internet users in Oceania / Australia.
Social media
152 million – The number of blogs on the Internet (as tracked by BlogPulse).
25 billion – Number of sent tweets on Twitter in 2010
100 million – New accounts added on Twitter in 2010
175 million – People on Twitter as of September 2010
7.7 million – People following @ladygaga (Lady Gaga, Twitter’s most followed user).
600 million – People on Facebook at the end of 2010.
250 million – New people on Facebook in 2010.
30 billion – Pieces of content (links, notes, photos, etc.) shared on Facebook per month.
70% – Share of Facebook’s user base located outside the United States.
20 million – The number of Facebook apps installed each day.
Web browsers

2 billion – The number of videos watched per day on YouTube.
35 – Hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute.
186 – The number of online videos the average Internet user watches in a month (USA).
84% – Share of Internet users that view videos online (USA).
14% – Share of Internet users that have uploaded videos online (USA).
2+ billion – The number of videos watched per month on Facebook.
20 million – Videos uploaded to Facebook per month.
5 billion – Photos hosted by Flickr (September 2010).
3000+ – Photos uploaded per minute to Flickr.
130 million – At the above rate, the number of photos uploaded per month to Flickr.
3+ billion – Photos uploaded per month to Facebook.
36 billion – At the current rate, the number of photos uploaded to Facebook per year.
107 trillion – The number of emails sent on the Internet in 2010.
294 billion – Average number of email messages per day.
1.88 billion – The number of email users worldwide.
480 million – New email users since the year before.
89.1% – The share of emails that were spam.
262 billion – The number of spam emails per day (assuming 89% are spam).
2.9 billion – The number of email accounts worldwide.
25% – Share of email accounts that are corporate.
255 million – The number of websites as of December 2010.
21.4 million – Added websites in 2010.
Web servers
39.1% – Growth in the number of Apache websites in 2010.
15.3% – Growth in the number of IIS websites in 2010.
4.1% – Growth in the number of nginx websites in 2010.
5.8% – Growth in the number of Google GWS websites in 2010.
55.7% – Growth in the number of Lighttpd websites in 2010.
Domain names
88.8 million – .COM domain names at the end of 2010.
13.2 million – .NET domain names at the end of 2010.
8.6 million – .ORG domain names at the end of 2010.
79.2 million – The number of country code top-level domains (e.g. .CN, .UK, .DE, etc.).
202 million – The number of domain names across all top-level domains (October 2010).
7% – The increase in domain names since the year before.
Internet users
1.97 billion – Internet users worldwide (June 2010).
14% – Increase in Internet users since the previous year.
825.1 million – Internet users in Asia.
475.1 million – Internet users in Europe.
266.2 million – Internet users in North America.
204.7 million – Internet users in Latin America / Caribbean.
110.9 million – Internet users in Africa.
63.2 million – Internet users in the Middle East.
21.3 million – Internet users in Oceania / Australia.
Social media
152 million – The number of blogs on the Internet (as tracked by BlogPulse).
25 billion – Number of sent tweets on Twitter in 2010
100 million – New accounts added on Twitter in 2010
175 million – People on Twitter as of September 2010
7.7 million – People following @ladygaga (Lady Gaga, Twitter’s most followed user).
600 million – People on Facebook at the end of 2010.
250 million – New people on Facebook in 2010.
30 billion – Pieces of content (links, notes, photos, etc.) shared on Facebook per month.
70% – Share of Facebook’s user base located outside the United States.
20 million – The number of Facebook apps installed each day.
Web browsers

2 billion – The number of videos watched per day on YouTube.
35 – Hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute.
186 – The number of online videos the average Internet user watches in a month (USA).
84% – Share of Internet users that view videos online (USA).
14% – Share of Internet users that have uploaded videos online (USA).
2+ billion – The number of videos watched per month on Facebook.
20 million – Videos uploaded to Facebook per month.
5 billion – Photos hosted by Flickr (September 2010).
3000+ – Photos uploaded per minute to Flickr.
130 million – At the above rate, the number of photos uploaded per month to Flickr.
3+ billion – Photos uploaded per month to Facebook.
36 billion – At the current rate, the number of photos uploaded to Facebook per year.