Si Oracle veut bien continuer l'aventure MySQL, ce n'est pas forcément au détriment de ses intérêts commerciaux.
L'entreprise vient d'avertir les clients de la version commerciale de MySql d'une prochaine augmentation des tarifs et de la suppression des licences les moins chères.
Ces changements pourraient coûter à certaines entreprises une augmentation de plus de 400% du prix de leurs licences.
Le mail précise que les prix des licences de MySQL n'ont pas été augmentés durant 6 ans, sous-entendant une autre anomalie financière qui aurait participé à la débâcle de Sun Microsystems avant son rachat par Oracle.
Si les nouveaux tarifs n'ont pas été précisés, on peut penser que que les licences « Basic » et « Silver », conçus pour les petites entreprises pourraient tout bonnement disparaitre.
La licence « Basic », la moins chère, offre un support limité à la version Pro de MySQL Entreprise Server (599 dollar par serveur par an). La licence « Silver » quant à elle, repose sur cette même version Pro et embarque un tableau de bord d'entreprise, de nombreux assistants et un support plus poussé que la version basique (1 999$ par serveur par an).
En cas d'annulation de ses deux licences, il ne resterait que les versions Gold et Partinium commercialisés respectivement à 2.999 $ et 4.999 $ par serveur par an.
Par conséquent, sans prendre en compte l'augmentation prochaine des prix, les utilisateurs de la version Basic pourraient être forcés de passer de 599$ aux 2999 dollars de la version Gold... à moins qu'ils optent pour un engagement de 3 ans.
En effet, Oracle précise dans son mail : "Si vous souhaitez continuer avec [les versions] Basic et Silver, vous devrez signer un accord pluriannuel et vous pouvez dès alors continuer à utiliser Basic et Silver pour 3 autres années ».
Source : Email d'Oracle à destination des clients:
Hello Customer,
I am writing as way of introduction. My name is [Nom supprimé] and I am your MySQL contact at Oracle. It is my understanding that you are the most appropriate person to speak with at your organization regarding MySQL. If you have any MySQL requirements, questions on the products, support, consulting or training we provide, please do not hesitate in contacting me.
I'm sure you are aware that Oracle purchased Sun and therefore MySQL last February. We're being told that there will be changes to MySQL's pricing and possibly pricing model soon and wanted to let you know. We have not had a price increase for over 6 years but there will be an increase in the next price list that will be available soon. We've been expecting the increase for the past couple of months but I'm told it the new price list will be released soon.
For those of you using Basic and Silver support we're being told those options will no longer be available. If you wish to continue with Basic or Silver you will need to sign a multi-year agreement and you would be able to keep using Basic or Silver for up to another 3 years.
If you are considering purchasing additional licenses for MySQL support subscription, please let me know, because you can save money if you do it before the changes take place, some time in the next month or two. You can also sign multi-year agreements and lock down current prices for up to 3 years.
You can receive up to a 30% discount for a 3 yr. commitments pre-pay but annual payments are available as well for multi-year agreements.
If you would like to speak to someone about MySQL Cluster, please let me know and I can arrange for an expert to call you within the next week.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you, [Nom supprimé] Oracle
I am writing as way of introduction. My name is [Nom supprimé] and I am your MySQL contact at Oracle. It is my understanding that you are the most appropriate person to speak with at your organization regarding MySQL. If you have any MySQL requirements, questions on the products, support, consulting or training we provide, please do not hesitate in contacting me.
I'm sure you are aware that Oracle purchased Sun and therefore MySQL last February. We're being told that there will be changes to MySQL's pricing and possibly pricing model soon and wanted to let you know. We have not had a price increase for over 6 years but there will be an increase in the next price list that will be available soon. We've been expecting the increase for the past couple of months but I'm told it the new price list will be released soon.
For those of you using Basic and Silver support we're being told those options will no longer be available. If you wish to continue with Basic or Silver you will need to sign a multi-year agreement and you would be able to keep using Basic or Silver for up to another 3 years.
If you are considering purchasing additional licenses for MySQL support subscription, please let me know, because you can save money if you do it before the changes take place, some time in the next month or two. You can also sign multi-year agreements and lock down current prices for up to 3 years.
You can receive up to a 30% discount for a 3 yr. commitments pre-pay but annual payments are available as well for multi-year agreements.
If you would like to speak to someone about MySQL Cluster, please let me know and I can arrange for an expert to call you within the next week.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you, [Nom supprimé] Oracle