L'Internet est un lieu d'échange et parfois aussi, d'entraide. C'est du moins ce que l'on souhaiterait. Tout programmeur, aussi doué soit-il, a déjà connu dans sa vie un "blanc", un moment où il a besoin des conseils d'un spécialiste sur telle ou telle question spécifique.
Que faire dans ces cas là ? Le réflexe le plus répandu : aller chercher de l'aide en posant ses questions sur un chat spécialisé, en espérant y trouver une solution.
Sur IRC, poser une question "simple" (comprenez : qui peut-être résolue par un manuel) est un motif de châtiment immédiat.
Mais, même en respectant cette règle, il n'est pas rare d'être gratifié de noms d'oiseaux sur ce type de salons virtuels pour développeurs.
Prenons l'exemple de ce développeur qui pose une question (en bleu) sur un channel IRC. Les réponses à sa requête, ou les interventions le concernant, sont en rouge. (Notons qu'à ce moment là, il était indiqué dans le descriptif du salon "Ne demandez pas si vous pouvez demander...Demandez !". Autrement dit, l'entraide semblait possible).
Voici l'historique de la discussion :
[metaleks]: how do I install a .vim plugin (python.vim)? I’ve placed it in ~/.vim/plugin and in /usr/share/vim/vim72/plugin/, but nothing seems to be working.
[Araxia]: hey, naquad. i wrote an auto tag completion function last night, if you’re interested in having a look. not super pretty, but functional: http://pastey.net/132688
[naquad]: Araxia: hi!
[skrite]: do tabs in vim 7 eliminate the need of buffers? why use buffers (like with mini buff explorer) instead of tabs?
[arm]: metaleks: I think it should be in ftplugin…
[tpope]: python.vim does NOT sound like a plugin
it might be an ftplugin, might be a syntax file, might be an indenting algorithm
* spiiph bets there were installation instructions there somewhere.
[spiiph]: skrite, no
vimgor, tabs
[vimgor]: Tabs are not buffers, don’t try to force them to act like buffers. Consider tabs like viewports, layouts, or workspaces. Trying to setup 1 tab == 1 buffer is an exercise in futility. Do ‘:set hidden’ and get started. Get FuzzyFinder, LustyExplorer or BufExplorer to make getting around your buffers easier. See http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Tabs for more info.
[tpope]: I’m pretty sure the installation instructions read “head to irc and ask a question that makes you look like you don’t know what you’re talking about”
[metaleks]: there were no instructions in the .vim file
nor could I find any after a good while of searching
[naquad]: Araxia: cool. i didn’t understand even a half, but tested and it works pretty nice, thank you
[metaleks]: sorry if it seems like a newb question
I will try ftplugin, thanks
[spiiph]: metaleks, well, where did you find the file in the first place?
[arm]: is it just me, or noobs that read the smartQuestions.html keep asking FAQ shit but now saying they have not found anything when they supposedly did search for stuff in the docs
[metaleks]: spiiph, the main vimscripts site
arm, I assure you that I never resort to IRC unless I’ve spent a good while searching for the solution myself
[qz]: any ideas how to find out which plugin tries to “indent” my code when i press enter?
[arm]: metaleks: if you are desperate to get it working, try :source
[tpope]: metaleks: this one? http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.ph...?script_id=790
metaleks: the one that clearly says “Place python.vim file in ~/.vim/syntax/ folder.”
[Araxia]: naquad: one limitation is that it will only complete a tag that was started on the same line. a lot of the script is just using normal mode commands. if you have any questions, i’d be happy to explain.
[spiiph]: Bah, tpope beat me to it.
[metaleks]: tpope, yes, that’s the one, and yes I tried the instructions there
[tpope]: metaleks: then why’d you come in babbling about sticking it in .vim/plugin?
[metaleks]: arm, thanks for that tip, that’s one more thing I will try before coming here next time
[naquad]: Araxia: i’m learning to work with vim manual, trying to find out everything myself
[metaleks]: tpope, I was just listing stuff I tried
[Araxia]: naquad: that’s definitely the way to do it.
[tpope]: metaleks: you never once mentioned you tried following the actual instructions
[metaleks]: tpope, because that’s obvious that you would right?
[tpope]: hey guys I keep shoving cucumbers up my butt but I’m still hungry
[metaleks]: no need to be hostile
[tpope]: jesus fucking christ what is wrong with you?
[darkfuneral]: is there a way i can set a colorscheme but only or a certain plugin? i’m using vimoutliner and i only want to change it’s colorscheme for hilighting, not the entire colorscheme of vim
[tpope]: yes, when you come in playing the part of the village idiot, you do need to explain that you tried following instructions
[tpope]: darkfuneral: no. but you can create a super duper colorscheme that highlights different files different ways
[metaleks]: I’m sorry I didn’t list the 3000 different things i tried, honestly good sir, your hostility is unwarranted
[darkfuneral]: tpope: ok how
[tpope]: darkfuneral: colorschemes define very specific groups (“rubyInteger”) that link to more generic groups (“Number”). simply highlight the more specific groups instead
[Araxia]: hey, naquad. i wrote an auto tag completion function last night, if you’re interested in having a look. not super pretty, but functional: http://pastey.net/132688
[naquad]: Araxia: hi!
[skrite]: do tabs in vim 7 eliminate the need of buffers? why use buffers (like with mini buff explorer) instead of tabs?
[arm]: metaleks: I think it should be in ftplugin…
[tpope]: python.vim does NOT sound like a plugin
it might be an ftplugin, might be a syntax file, might be an indenting algorithm
* spiiph bets there were installation instructions there somewhere.
[spiiph]: skrite, no
vimgor, tabs
[vimgor]: Tabs are not buffers, don’t try to force them to act like buffers. Consider tabs like viewports, layouts, or workspaces. Trying to setup 1 tab == 1 buffer is an exercise in futility. Do ‘:set hidden’ and get started. Get FuzzyFinder, LustyExplorer or BufExplorer to make getting around your buffers easier. See http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Tabs for more info.
[tpope]: I’m pretty sure the installation instructions read “head to irc and ask a question that makes you look like you don’t know what you’re talking about”
[metaleks]: there were no instructions in the .vim file
nor could I find any after a good while of searching
[naquad]: Araxia: cool. i didn’t understand even a half, but tested and it works pretty nice, thank you
[metaleks]: sorry if it seems like a newb question
I will try ftplugin, thanks
[spiiph]: metaleks, well, where did you find the file in the first place?
[arm]: is it just me, or noobs that read the smartQuestions.html keep asking FAQ shit but now saying they have not found anything when they supposedly did search for stuff in the docs
[metaleks]: spiiph, the main vimscripts site
arm, I assure you that I never resort to IRC unless I’ve spent a good while searching for the solution myself
[qz]: any ideas how to find out which plugin tries to “indent” my code when i press enter?
[arm]: metaleks: if you are desperate to get it working, try :source
[tpope]: metaleks: this one? http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.ph...?script_id=790
metaleks: the one that clearly says “Place python.vim file in ~/.vim/syntax/ folder.”
[Araxia]: naquad: one limitation is that it will only complete a tag that was started on the same line. a lot of the script is just using normal mode commands. if you have any questions, i’d be happy to explain.
[spiiph]: Bah, tpope beat me to it.
[metaleks]: tpope, yes, that’s the one, and yes I tried the instructions there
[tpope]: metaleks: then why’d you come in babbling about sticking it in .vim/plugin?
[metaleks]: arm, thanks for that tip, that’s one more thing I will try before coming here next time
[naquad]: Araxia: i’m learning to work with vim manual, trying to find out everything myself
[metaleks]: tpope, I was just listing stuff I tried
[Araxia]: naquad: that’s definitely the way to do it.
[tpope]: metaleks: you never once mentioned you tried following the actual instructions
[metaleks]: tpope, because that’s obvious that you would right?
[tpope]: hey guys I keep shoving cucumbers up my butt but I’m still hungry
[metaleks]: no need to be hostile
[tpope]: jesus fucking christ what is wrong with you?
[darkfuneral]: is there a way i can set a colorscheme but only or a certain plugin? i’m using vimoutliner and i only want to change it’s colorscheme for hilighting, not the entire colorscheme of vim
[tpope]: yes, when you come in playing the part of the village idiot, you do need to explain that you tried following instructions
[tpope]: darkfuneral: no. but you can create a super duper colorscheme that highlights different files different ways
[metaleks]: I’m sorry I didn’t list the 3000 different things i tried, honestly good sir, your hostility is unwarranted
[darkfuneral]: tpope: ok how
[tpope]: darkfuneral: colorschemes define very specific groups (“rubyInteger”) that link to more generic groups (“Number”). simply highlight the more specific groups instead
Malgré la politesse du développeur, il reçu insultes et moqueries à la place de réponses à son problème.
On peut trouver un tas d'histoires similaires un peu partout sur la toile.