Ces dernières semaines, le géant Microsoft semble être particulièrement inquiet par la concurrence lui venant de l'énorme succès de Linux et d'autres programmes open-source. Son CEO Steve Balmer s'est récemment exprimé à ce sujet.
Aussi, la firme a-t-elle décidé d'engager un "Linux and Open Office Compete Lead". Autrement dit, une personne chargée de diverses missions anti-Linux, à commencer par la domination du marché en gardant un oeil averti sur les offres des concurrents open-source.
Cette information est tirée d'une annonce publiée il y a quelques jours par Microsoft sur sa plateforme de recrutement.
Pour les anglophones, en voici un extrait :
If you’re looking for a new role where you’ll focus on one of the biggest issues that is top of mind for KT and Steve B in “Compete”, build a complete left to right understanding of the subsidiary, have a large amount of executive exposure, build and manage the activities of a v-team of 13 district Linux& Open Office Compete Leads, and develop a broad set of marketing skills and report to a management team committed to development and recognized for high WHI this is the position for you!
The Commercial Software Initiative (CSI) Lead plays a pivotal role for the Subsidiary GM, the BG leads and the BMO by building a discipline within the US that is focused on competing against. The core mission of CSI is to win share against Linux and OpenOffice.org by designing and driving marketing programs, changing perceptions, engaging with Open Source communities and organizations, and drive internal readiness on how to compete with Commercial Linux and participate with Open Source Communities.
The Commercial Software Initiative (CSI) Lead plays a pivotal role for the Subsidiary GM, the BG leads and the BMO by building a discipline within the US that is focused on competing against. The core mission of CSI is to win share against Linux and OpenOffice.org by designing and driving marketing programs, changing perceptions, engaging with Open Source communities and organizations, and drive internal readiness on how to compete with Commercial Linux and participate with Open Source Communities.

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