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Rational ClearQuest en version 7.1
La solution SCM d'IBM gagne en puissance et en ouverture

Le , par Marc Lussac


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IBM Rational ClearQuest en version 7.1, un outil souple permettant d'effectuer le suivi des modifications et des erreurs rencontrées au cours de l'activité.

* Suivi des modifications et des erreurs par activité.
* Flux à la fois souple et puissant avec options de soumission et de notification électronique.
* Personnalisation simplifiée.
* Jeu complet de requêtes avec options avancées de génération de rapports et de diagrammes.
* Interface Web pour accéder facilement aux informations depuis un navigateur Web standard.
* Intégration transparente avec le logiciel Rational ClearCase pour proposer une solution de gestion de configuration de logiciels complète.
* Parfaite ergonomie avec les principaux environnements de développement intégrés (WebSphere Studio, Eclipse et Microsoft .NET).

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Rational Software Delivery Platform team products V7

Accelerating Global Software Delivery

Rational software - Software and system development

In its latest release, the IBM® Rational® Software Delivery Platform team products provide the technologies and frameworks that eliminate the silos between development, testing and deployment. With improved lifecycle automation and traceability, highly configurable testing workflows and greater support for geographically distributed teams, IBM Rational introduces technologies offering customers a better way to manage value, develop flexibly, and control risk and change.

New in IBM Rational ClearQuest® and IBM Rational ClearCase®: Build and Deployment Management

With a new integration between IBM Rational ClearQuest® and IBM Rational Build Forge®, detailed build information can be automatically created and updated, allowing for detailed audit records for extended traceability. IBM Rational ClearCase® and IBM Rational ClearQuest are also integrated with IBM Tivoli® Provisioning Manager. This enables deployment of approved build files directly from the source code repository into a variety of test environments, and into production.

New in Rational ClearQuest: Test management across distributed teams

With V7, Rational ClearQuest extends workflow management to include the full range of testing activities, from test planning through execution, capturing and analyzing the complete record of test results. Test plans and test cases can be defined and customized to match your business processes. This new capability also allows you to connect to a range of testing tools offered by IBM Rational as well as other test tools supported by the Eclipse/TPTP Framework.

IBM Rational has also formed a new offering, IBM Rational ClearQuest and Functional Testing, giving testing teams a complete solution for defect management, test management, and automated and manual functional software testing.

IBM Rational Software Quality developer test solutions have also been enhanced!


IBM Rational PurifyPlus® Family v7.0: For developers and testers who need to produce fast, reliable, high quality code, Rational PurifyPlus offers a complete set of runtime analysis tools that now has VS2005 application support for both native, managed and Java 5 application support. In addition, AIX 5.3, Solaris 10 and Linux 64bit has been added to extend our already broad range of platforms and language support.

IBM Rational Test RealTime® v7.0: For developers and testers writing code for embedded and other pervasive computing devices, Rational Test RealTime offers a cross-platform solution for component testing and runtime analysis. Version 7 adds zLinux platform support for C and C++, new code review for C and a plug-in for Eclipse 3.1.

New Globalization Improvements for IBM Rational ClearQuest, IBM Rational ClearCase and IBM Rational RequisitePro®

Rational ClearQuest creates traceability on a global scale by tightening the relationships between deployed code bases and the requirements that created them. Through an improved integration between Rational ClearQuest and Rational RequisitePro, richer requirements artifacts can be stored directly in the ClearQuest database. Using IBM Rational ClearCase MultiSite® and IBM Rational ClearQuest MultiSite, highly distributed development teams can establish traceability between all development artifacts, and then synchronize the artifacts with an unlimited number of development teams around the world.
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