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Intel lance sa plateforme dédiée aux développeurs pour Netbooks et MID
Téléchargez les SDK Windows et Moblin

Le , par Marc Lussac


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Intel lance sa plateforme dédiée aux développeurs pour Netbooks et MID : Téléchargez les SDK pour Windows et Moblin

Participez au Challenge : 100 Netbooks pour les 100 premiers sélectionnés

The quest for groundbreaking new netbook applications is extremely rewarding.

The Intel® Atom™ Developer Challenge is designed to bring out breakthrough applications and components that fundamentally change the user experience on Intel® Atom™ processor-based netbooks. This is your opportunity to be rewarded for your skills and creativity, while potentially seeing your application used on millions of netbooks worldwide.

Starting September 22, 2009, join the Intel® Atom™ Developer Program at There, you’ll find tools and resources to support your netbook application development. Then, register for the Intel® Atom™ Developer Challenge on this page, and include your application or component abstract.

Later this year when the beta SDK is available, download it and create your component or application optimized for Intel® Atom™ processor-based netbooks. Submit your component or application to the Intel Atom Developer Program and then complete your entry to the Intel Atom Developer Challenge by February 2, 2010.

Software Development Kit (SDK)
The goal of the Intel® Atom™ Developer Program Software Development Kit (SDK) is to provide programming framework and libraries that enables the interaction with the Intel® Atom™ Developer Program processes and infrastructure.

The alpha version of the Intel® Atom™ Developer Program SDK for native Windows* and native Moblin™ application development provides many developer benefits including authorization, crash reporting, and a consumer store client emulator for testing. Jumpstart your development and get your app prepared for the app store. Please provide feedback and suggestions on the SDK that will define the roadmap of the SDK going forward.

The SDK currently supports C/C++ apps for Windows* and C apps for Moblin. SDK will support other runtime technologies in the future.
Téléchargez gratuitement le SDK

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